An informal network of liberally minded Christians striving
for an open, inclusive and thinking church.
for an open, inclusive and thinking church.
Painting by Anthea Kaan

FTB began informally within the United Reformed Church but now includes many with similar aims from other denominations. There is no membership, simply a mailing list and the opportunity to support running costs through occasional donations. FTB organises national conferences and reading parties intended to encourage a liberal agenda within the Church and mails out an occasional free 'Briefing' newsletter booklet.

If you have any comments or suggestions concerning our website (good or otherwise) or have a progressive Christian event planned that you would like us to advertise free of charge, Chris will be happy to hear from you.
Send copy for The Briefing journal to Ken Forbes at his email address under the button. Questions and comments always welcome too.
Keep up with the latest news on conferences, Briefing publications and other FTB activities by printing, completing and posting this form to Martin Camroux at the address shown. Your details will be secure under Data Protection Law and will not be passed to other parties. |
Here is a comprehensive list of economically priced audio CD and DVD recordings of conferences, talks and discussions run by the likes of Free To Believe, the Progressive Christianity Network Britain, the Sea of Faith Network and others. Speakers include the late Marcus Borg, Richard Holloway, John Dominic Crossan and John Shelby Spong.
Check out the latest one to three day conferences arranged by Free To Believe and other progressive groups. The longer events are held in major conference centres around the country which provide comfortable accommodation and excellent catering.
Locally organised activities and promotions
A range of other helpful like-minded websites. The title says it all! [This page is also listed under 'more...' in the top page headers] '
Wayside Pulpits' with a (big!) difference. [This page is also listed under 'more...' above] A range of helpful booklets in pdf format to download and print if required. FTB's own magazine, edited by Ken Forbes and full of diverse contributions to inform, entertain and perhaps even challenge and/or irritate! Latest editions available here for downloading. |