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The United Reformed Church Formed in 1972 from the union of the majority of Congregational and Presbyterian churches, with ecumenical dreams of a wider unity that subsequently has not materialised. Some now feel free enough to believe that the URC is called to be a beacon of inclusive and progressive Christianity in a world of churches diminished by internal politics, dissent and scandal.
Progressive Christianity Network Britain Supporting and promoting open Christian understanding.
The Sea of Faith Formed after the historic BBC TV series with Don Cupitt broadcast in 1984, this group sees God as a human creation.
OneBodyOneFaith is a dynamic grassroots charity that enables LGBT+ Christians and advocates for change within the church.
CANA - Christians Awakening to New Awareness A network of people exploring the emergence of humanity's next evolutionary step for which Jesus has paved the way.
Permission to Speak "A ministry for inclusive and progressive Christianity", this site is mastered by John Churcher, a past Chair of PCN Britain.
Inclusive Church Working to create an inclusive and welcoming church for all.
Modern Church A leading liberal forum in the Anglican Communion.
The Anvil Trust Workshop now provides bespoke learning days hosted by churches and have decided to make all 30 years of their theological resources available online. These cover 15 topics and are in PDF form. They are in-depth but accessible learning resources for use in groups or individually. These resources are intended for open, dynamic engagement with the Bible and with modern aspects of Christian faith – they do not take a hard stance, but gently encourage a more open and inclusive view.
Living Spirituality Connections brings together the contemplative and active dimensions of life, broadly rooted within Christianity. We intend it to be a resource through which people can find material, groups and people to help deepen and anchor their explorations through all stages of their journeying.
Affirming Catholicism Scripture, Reason and Catholic Tradition in the modern world.
Congress of World Faiths Developing understanding among people of different faiths.
The Ashram Community A radical Christian community with branches around the UK.
The URC Retreat Group seeks to draw together and nurture people in the United Reformed Church of Great Britain who are interested in silent or contemplative prayer, retreats, quiet days and spiritual direction. It encourages people’s explorations both in Reformed and ecumenical contexts.
The Westar Institute is a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to advancing religious literacy. Westar is not affiliated with any religious institution and does not advocate a particular point of view. What the Westar community shares common is a burning desire to know as much as we can, as honestly as we can, about the history of Christianity and nature of religion.
Progressive Christianity Network Britain Supporting and promoting open Christian understanding.
The Sea of Faith Formed after the historic BBC TV series with Don Cupitt broadcast in 1984, this group sees God as a human creation.
OneBodyOneFaith is a dynamic grassroots charity that enables LGBT+ Christians and advocates for change within the church.
CANA - Christians Awakening to New Awareness A network of people exploring the emergence of humanity's next evolutionary step for which Jesus has paved the way.
Permission to Speak "A ministry for inclusive and progressive Christianity", this site is mastered by John Churcher, a past Chair of PCN Britain.
Inclusive Church Working to create an inclusive and welcoming church for all.
Modern Church A leading liberal forum in the Anglican Communion.
The Anvil Trust Workshop now provides bespoke learning days hosted by churches and have decided to make all 30 years of their theological resources available online. These cover 15 topics and are in PDF form. They are in-depth but accessible learning resources for use in groups or individually. These resources are intended for open, dynamic engagement with the Bible and with modern aspects of Christian faith – they do not take a hard stance, but gently encourage a more open and inclusive view.
Living Spirituality Connections brings together the contemplative and active dimensions of life, broadly rooted within Christianity. We intend it to be a resource through which people can find material, groups and people to help deepen and anchor their explorations through all stages of their journeying.
Affirming Catholicism Scripture, Reason and Catholic Tradition in the modern world.
Congress of World Faiths Developing understanding among people of different faiths.
The Ashram Community A radical Christian community with branches around the UK.
The URC Retreat Group seeks to draw together and nurture people in the United Reformed Church of Great Britain who are interested in silent or contemplative prayer, retreats, quiet days and spiritual direction. It encourages people’s explorations both in Reformed and ecumenical contexts.
The Westar Institute is a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to advancing religious literacy. Westar is not affiliated with any religious institution and does not advocate a particular point of view. What the Westar community shares common is a burning desire to know as much as we can, as honestly as we can, about the history of Christianity and nature of religion.
Worship Words Words do matter. The website offers complete worship services and numerous prayers and liturgy resources using inclusive progressive language and theology. All resources posted are free and ready-to-use. A wedding usable for any two people joining together is also posted. Several complete services created for Open Table are posted. Worship resources are listed by theme and relevant lectionary readings. Writers come from around the globe. If your church is, or you as an individual are, creating inclusive-language worship material and you are willing to share any, please consider submitting the items to Worship Words.