Even an informal group can still benefit from some guidance, and the following volunteers (in alphabetical order) are those who offer their talents on the Free To Believe committee.
Chris Avis

Chris is retired and, after occupying the role of web master of this site for a considerable time, has handed that responsibility to Megan Clare Price with grateful thanks. He is proud to be a founder member of the Progressive Christianity Network Britain. Chris has been a member of Southernhay URC for many years, though no longer attending since moving from Exeter. He now participates every Sunday in a 'Gathering' Service via Zoom at West Hill United Church in Toronto, Canada.
Liz Byrne

Liz trained for Ministry at Westminster College and served at several churches before retiring through ill health in 2008. After recovery, Liz developed a specialized ‘funeral ministry’ and is part of a team offering Messy Church in Port Sunlight. She is happy to "sit on an edge" with others in F2B and currently chairs the committee.
Liz trained for Ministry at Westminster College and served at several churches before retiring through ill health in 2008. After recovery, Liz developed a specialized ‘funeral ministry’ and is part of a team offering Messy Church in Port Sunlight. She is happy to "sit on an edge" with others in F2B and currently chairs the committee.
Martin Camroux

Martin is a retired URC minister living in Britain's oldest recorded city. He was co-founder of Free to Believe and loves his family, reading, fine dining, wine and history. He preaches regularly.
Anne Lewitt

Anne Lewitt is a URC minister in three URC congregations in rural West Sussex. She also has a close affinity with the Quakers, and feels at home in the very broad mind- and faith-expanding community of Greenbelt Festival. Anne is currently Chair of Free to Believe.
Anne Lewitt is a URC minister in three URC congregations in rural West Sussex. She also has a close affinity with the Quakers, and feels at home in the very broad mind- and faith-expanding community of Greenbelt Festival. Anne is currently Chair of Free to Believe.
Helen Mee

Helen (she/her) is a retired URC minister active within the Synod of Scotland. She moved into ministry from a long career in human services managing teams providing support to adults with a learning disability. Most of her ministry was spent in HealthCare Chaplaincy where she focused on End of Life Care and Suicide Postvention. She would describe herself as a Progressive Christian but all that truly matters to her is that without exception we are all welcome.
Iain McDonald

Iain McDonald is a retired United Reformed Church minister who has been associated with Free to Believe for many years, having been much influenced by Donald Hilton and Martin Camroux (Free to Believe’s founders) in exploring the margins of faith and how to proclaim and apply the Gospel message in a modern age. Iain is an itinerant preacher, mostly in Devon where he lives.
Iain McDonald is a retired United Reformed Church minister who has been associated with Free to Believe for many years, having been much influenced by Donald Hilton and Martin Camroux (Free to Believe’s founders) in exploring the margins of faith and how to proclaim and apply the Gospel message in a modern age. Iain is an itinerant preacher, mostly in Devon where he lives.
David Parkin

David Parkin is a retired Non Stipendiary Minister. Presently taking a break from church but still fascinated by theology, not least in trying to find “an idea of God we can relate to in an age of quantum physics and mind-blowing cosmology."
David Parkin is a retired Non Stipendiary Minister. Presently taking a break from church but still fascinated by theology, not least in trying to find “an idea of God we can relate to in an age of quantum physics and mind-blowing cosmology."
Kevin Skippon

Kevin is an Anglican priest, 90% disillusioned with and by the Church but with a new vocation free of doctrine and dogma. 16 years of his ministry have been in a healthcare chaplaincy in Derby managing 8 chaplains and 40 lay volunteers. He enjoys painting, music, jaunting around the UK, death and dying (he is a paid-up member of Dignity in Dying) and ethical issues. Kevin is a trustee of Progressive Christianity Network Britain and has started a local PCN group. He believes FtB has a vital role to play within and on the edges of the churches.
Sally Thomas

Ordained in 1993, Sally has ministered at churches in Lancashire, Manchester, Cardiff and now London with Bayswater and Kensington United Reformed Churches. Sally has always worked enthusiastically with ecumenical, interfaith and social justice issues. Her thinking and preaching have developed to a more radical conviction over the years and this continues, preferring open questions that promote further enquiry, to closed answers. Free to Believe and PCN are among the havens Sally treasures.
Ordained in 1993, Sally has ministered at churches in Lancashire, Manchester, Cardiff and now London with Bayswater and Kensington United Reformed Churches. Sally has always worked enthusiastically with ecumenical, interfaith and social justice issues. Her thinking and preaching have developed to a more radical conviction over the years and this continues, preferring open questions that promote further enquiry, to closed answers. Free to Believe and PCN are among the havens Sally treasures.
Money isn't everything
but it sure helps.

Free To Believe is an informally organised bunch of folk who try to promote a fear-free, intellectually viable Christianity.
We have no paid subscription but depend on the generosity of our members from whom we are fortunate to receive regular or occasional donations. You can download a Bankers Order form for an annual contribution, or use the bank details on the form for a BACS transfer.
Many thanks.